Today, our students had the honor of participating in what (I believe) is the first bioblitz in Palau: an effort at Ngardok Lake Nature Reserve. Omar Basilius and a variety of different people from Melekeok and beyond participated in the effort to document as many species as we could, using our eyes, ears, and (in some cases) the iNaturalist app. Our students had a great time getting a holistic view of the terrestrial ecosystems of Palau, interacting with a variety of people with knowledge of plants, birds, and the invertebrates of Palau.
After spending several hours at the reserve, documenting species diversity and contributing to our understanding of Palau ecosystems (you can see some observations by us and other folks here), we returned to the village to just explore the intertidal zone and think about what we'd seen. We had an awesome dinner made by Rebecca:
Then they went night snorkeling! (and Jesse wrote this blog post). Not sure what they saw yet, but I'm sure it was awesome :)